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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Walther: Jews, Mohammedans testify for Jesus’s miracles (Talmud and Koran)

[2024-09-04: added note at bottom about a recent comment of Iran's Mohammedan leader.]
      I blogged 13 years ago about what C. F. W. Walther said to the Eastern District in 1868 about the Jews. Some years before that essay was delivered, he wrote a brief footnote to an Easter sermon from 1851. The sermon was published in Der Lutheraner, vol. 7 (1850-1851), pp. 145 ff. [EN] The footnote is located on p. 148. It reads:
      *) As abominable as the Jews have always spoken and written blasphemies against Jesus, it is nevertheless a tradition perpetuated among them by their Talmud that Jesus has performed many miracles and even raised the dead; they seek to explain this, of course, by saying that Jesus has stolen the Shem Hamphoras, i.e., the mysterious name of God, from the temple. But the more insipid and ridiculous this explanation of the matter is, the more important is this testimony of a whole people, who are filled with the most ardent hatred of Christ. — As is well known, even the Mohammedans do not deny Christ's miracles. In their Koran it says, among other things: God says: "O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My grace towards thee and thy mother; I have equipped thee with the Holy Spirit. With my will thou healest a man born blind, and a leper, and with my will thou broughtest forth the dead from their graves." (See: The Koran, translated by Dr. Ullmann. p. 91. Sura V.)
Walther speaks plainly about the Jews: "a whole people, who are filled with the most ardent hatred of Christ". — Imagine that! The Jews and Mohammedans admit to Jesus's miracles, but some LC–MS theologians have at times caused these miracles to be questioned.
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: It has been reported in Christian News recently (August 19, 2024 p. 6; Guardian report?) concerning Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's response to the Paris Olympic's blasphemous opening ceremonies as follows:
Khamenei took to X, stating, “Respect for #JesusChrist (pbuh) is an indisputable, definite matter for Muslims. We condemn these insults directed at the holy figures of divine religions, including Jesus Christ (pbuh).”
Of course the Islamic leader is following the Koran's teaching that Walther reports above.

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