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Friday, August 2, 2024

Popes, French, Communists & Socialists, "Science": spiritual obsession

      While reviewing the third volume of Dr. Franz Pieper's Christliche Dogmatik, I ran across his comment on certain persons and groups of his time.  He was speaking of special cases of "spiritual obsession", beginning with Judas. And it rang true for much of America today. — Excerpt from CDk I, 614-615 fn 1528; CD I, p 509, fn 18:
Franz Pieper
"All who do not believe the gospel of Christ think and do what the devil wants because they are in his power, ἐξουσίας (Acts 26:18; Col. 1:13). Also, that they do not know this, indeed, deny the existence of the devil, is an effect of the devil. It is scriptural terminology to call the status of all those who do not believe that Christ's blood alone makes us clean from all sin obsessio spiritualis. If we want to reserve this expression for special cases and persons, namely for an increased effect of the devil, which we perceive in individual persons (Judas) and at special times,1528),…" 
     1528) In addition to Judas, each time the Pope as the man of sin and the child of perdition in his function as the κατ' εξοχήν [Preeminence] who sits down in the temple of God as a god and pretends to be God (2 Thess. 2). The French Revolution at the end of the 18th century, which is often cited as an example of the heightened obsessio spiritualis, is matched by recent events (the activities of the Communists and many Socialists, also of the deliberately untruthful statesmen and their accomplices, the newspaper editors during and after the World War I). As examples of the increased obsessio spiritualis also such representatives of "science" are considered rightly, who storm as furiously against the Christian church and the Word of God.
      In America today, we see the Communists and many Socialists, "untruthful statesmen" (the current federal Administration, Pres. Biden and his circle), "newspaper editors", i.e. the major media outlets, "Science" falsely so-called — all are in the power of the Devil and in his service. Lord, have mercy on us!

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