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Saturday, March 9, 2024

"According to a pure understanding": true unity of the Church

      Ten years ago I did a blog post where I tried to expand upon the meaning of Article VII of the Augsburg Confession for the unity of the Church. Where Article VII spoke of agreement on "the doctrine of the Gospel", I asked the rhetorical question: "Could the Augsburg Confession be quite serious at this point in emphasizing the pure Gospel?" At that time I was not aware of what the original text said in the German version. Here are the relevant texts for comparison, as published in the venerable Triglotta:
(1) In the English it reads:
And to the true unity of the Church it is enough to agree concerning the doctrine of the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments.
(2) In the original Latin, it reads as translated by Google Translate and Yandex Translate:
And for the true unity of the church, it is enough to agree on the doctrine of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments.
(3) However the German language version is more explicit, for it does not want a misapplication of this article by opponents (DeepL/Google Translation):
For this is enough for the true unity of the Christian Church, that the Gospel is with one accord [einträchtiglich] preached according to a pure understanding, and the sacraments are administered according to the divine Word.
So the simple phrase "the doctrine of the Gospel" is clarified by the addition of "according to a pure understanding" of this Gospel. The Roman Catholic and Reformed errors on the Gospel take away this "pure understanding". Now I have, in the German original text, a confirmation of my point that all disunity in the Church is caused by an impure understanding of the Gospel. And a true unity was restored by C. F. W. Walther with his pure teaching of the pure Gospel, i.e. 

the Lutheran Doctrine of Justification.

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