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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Old Missouri library – Lehre und Wehre downloads (Part 1)

[2019-03-07: added link to Archive Table of Contents; May 24, 2017 – upgraded link to "Lehre und Wehre" Table of Contents file; May 11, 2013 – most volumes in Google Books – see this later post2017-03-29: The Table of Contents (Inhalt) is now available online here.; 2017-03-31: Changed malfunctioning links to downloads -- now fixed)

In the previous post, I advised the completion of uploading the balance of the entire St. Louis Edition of Luther's works, apart from those volumes publicly available at  Why was it called the "St. Louis" Edition?  Because it was the home city for the old (German) Missouri Synod.  It was the home of Concordia Seminary and its teachers.  The heart of Luther had moved from Germany to America, America's heartland.

And from these same teachers came a wealth of German writings of their own: I reviewed some of these before (and listed the many essays) in a previous post):
  1. Essays – Synodical Conventions
  2. Essays – District Conventions
  3. Essays – Synodical Conference conventions
  4. Der Lutheraner periodical
  5. Lehre und Wehre periodical
There were also publications in English – they did speak English as well as German.  But I consider almost all of their English publications as secondary to their German ones.  Why?  Because Walther and Pieper published almost exclusively in the German language and they were the ones who "gathered the luminous rays of the Gospel" the best.  Here are the English language periodicals:
   A) Theological Monthly
   B) Lutheran Witness

In another old post, I provided a download of most of Franz Pieper's writings in Lehre und Wehre.  I will duplicate that download here and also provide a PDF version along with the original DOC file:
2017-03-05: updated DropBox links; 2017-05-24: updated Table of Contents; 2017-12-17: re-arranged listing; 2019-03-07: added link to copy on
In this post, I am providing the links to the scanned copies of the entire series of volumes of Lehre und Wehre.  Most of these volumes are available now for download from Google Books (in green font) , some of these with EPUB text in green bold font.  Others are available from, especially for the later years.

Lehre und Wehre – download links (30 - 57 MB)
  1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,  10    (1855 – 1864)
11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20    (1865 
– 1874)
21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30    (1875 
– 1884)
31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40    (1885 
– 1894)
41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50    (1895 
51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60    (1905 
– 1914)
61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70    (1915 
– 1924)
71,  72,  73,  74,  75                                       (1925 
– 1929)
Index for volumes 1-28: 1847-1881
         (updated May 11, 2013 – most volumes in Google Books)

Again, who should care about these old volumes from so long ago, in the German language, and in the old fraktur font?  Because this is the heart of the old (German) Missouri Synod...  beautiful Christian teaching is brought out in these volumes, and Franz Pieper makes numerous references to these volumes in his Christian Dogmatics textbooks.

In the next post Part 2a, I plan to make available the complete downloads for the old Missouri's well known periodical, Der Lutheraner.


  1. I have followed your link for Lehre und Wehre Vol.26 (1880). But Google Books says: "No eBook available."
    I have been able to download Lehre und Wehre from 1869-70; 1875-76; 1888-89; 1905; 1912; 1915-16 and 1918.
    It seems to me that not all of the Vols have been scanned.
    Yours, Peter Olsen, Denmark

    1. Mr. Olsen:
      I am not sure why you could not access volumes 25/26. Here is a link to the title page of Vol. 26:
      If this still does not work for you, I can provide a link to MY scan of this volume. Please let me know if this works of not for you! -- I can take the time to upload MY scans of all of Lehre und Wehre to if necessary. Thank you for advising me of your difficulty.

    2. Hi, once again
      Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it still doesn't Work.
      If you could provide me with your scan of vol.26 (1880) I would be grateful.
      Yours, Peter Olsen

    3. Mr. Olsen:
      I have just now uploaded MY scan of volume 26 (1880) to
      You can find it here:

      There is a PDF download available there. Please advise if this works for you.

    4. Thank you very much! Now I've got it.
      Looking forward to reading about 'die Gnadenwahl' and the question of intuitu fidei.
      Peter Olsen

    5. Mr. Olsen:
      I am glad that you now have what you are looking for! But even more happy that you seem interested in learning more about "die Gnadenwahl" (that's means "Election OF GRACE" to us poor Americans) and the error of "intuitu fidei".
      Note: I hope sometime to upload all my scans of Lehre und Wehre to like I have done for Der Lutheraner. If anyone has any particular volumes to request, I will prioritize them.

  2. The English translation of Johann Gerhard: On Creation and Predestination. Theological Commonplaces, Concordia 2013 (p.xv-xvi)gives a quotation from Lehre und Wehre Vol.28 (1882). I have not been able to find that volume on the internet. Could you give priority to that one?
    Peter Olsen

    1. Mr. Olsen:
      I am uploading vol. 28 (1882) now.
      It should be on soon at this location:

      I am glad to hear the previous upload was helpful for you, but more glad to hear of your interest in what these publications actually said, for they speak for today.

  3. Sorry to bother you once again!
    But could you, please, upload Lehre und Wehre vol.27 (1881)?
    I would like to use a quotation from Georg Stöckhardt in an article I'm writing.
    Yours, Peter Olsen

    1. Mr. Olsen:
      You are not bothering me, it is a pleasure to be of service. I have just now uploaded Volume 27 (1881) of Lehre und Wehre:

      Will you advise me when and where your article on Stöckhardt is published? I would like to see it, and would be happy to give notice of it.

  4. Thank you once again!
    Actually, it's not an article about Stöckhardt. It's about bound choice in Lutheran tradition. Next week I will be delivering my paper at a conference in Gothenburg, Sweden: Later it will be published... in Danish.
    Peter Olsen


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