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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Martin Noland denies Universal Justification (UOJ)

Logia 1996, vol. 5, no. 4, p. 64
"Objective Justification—Again"
by Martin Noland
(picture c. 2012)
      Continuing my series of posts (Drs. Kolb and Detlev Schulz) demonstrating the LCMS opposition to a pure understanding of the Lutheran Doctrine of Justification, I offer the following quote of Rev. Dr. Martin Noland in the journal Logia, vol. 5 (1996), no. 4, p. 64 (emphasis mine): 
It does not follow that because the human race is reconciled to God that each and every individual is reconciled.”
This blog has called out Dr. Noland numerous times, but this quote gets to Noland's core problem, his difficulty with the heart of Christianity. This quote explicitly denies Universal Justification or Universal Reconciliation.  One could assume that Dr. Noland is talking about "subjective justification", but he himself begins this statement with universality, "the human race is reconciled to God". Noland then asserts a statement of fiction and places himself dangerously close to another earlier theologian that Franz Pieper identified as an apostate, Johann David Michaelis.  I call on Dr. Noland to explicitly deny his 1996 clear statement and confess the true Lutheran Doctrine of Justification. Only then can he truly teach (*) what "Grace" really means, as Pieper taught.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fundament 5: Papacy 3 – Luther’s experience; soul murder, Hell…; Papacy or… the Pope?

      This continues from Part 4 (Table of Contents in Part 1), a translation of Franz Pieper's essay on the foundation of the Christian faith ("Das Fundament des christlichen Glaubens"). — Luther's forcefulness in declaring the Pope, not just the "Papacy", to be the very Antichrist is largely downplayed in today's LC-MS.  To compare the two, I offer the following quotes.  Luther's Smalcald Articles, II, IV, 10
The Pope is the very Antichrist”.
In contrast, the new 2018 seminary textbook to replace Franz Pieper's Christian Dogmatics, Samuel Nafzger's Confessing the Gospel (CPH 2018) p. 1138, changes Luther's words to say this:
[The papacy] is the true end-times Antichrist”.
Nafzger's textbook forces a substitution of the words "the papacy" onto Luther's actual words "the Pope".  What this does for the LCMS is to be "Just Sayin'" on the doctrine of the Antichrist of the Lutheran Confessions, and avoids labeling the current officeholder, Pope Francis, as the very Antichrist. Note well: Pieper names the current sitting Pope of his day, Pius XI, and clearly identifies him as… the Antichrist in his day. The LCMS today will not do this for today. So how can they call themselves "Confessional Lutherans"? — But let us continue with the true Luther presented by Pieper below.
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Text preparation and translation by BackToLuther using DeepL, Google Translate, Microsoft Translate, Yandex Translate. All bold text is Pieper's emphasis. All highlightingred text, and most text in square brackets [ ] is mine.

The Foundation of the Christian Faith.
[by President Franz Pieper, Concordia Seminary; continued from Part 4 - page 80]

Luther reports from his own experience: 24) “I once saw a monk who took a cross into his hand and, when the other monks praised all their works, said: ‘I know of none of my merits but only of the merits which died for me on the cross’ and in reliance on that merit he also died.” The Roman Church also has the right baptism, through which is always born spiritual children in Christ. And Luther comments: “Now if a baptized child lives and then dies in his seventh or eighth year, before he understands the whorelike church of the pope, he has in truth been saved and will be saved—of that we have no doubt.” 25) But then begins the spiritual killing of the souls who have been baptized into Christ's kingdom. Luther continues: “But when he grows up, and hears, believes, and obeys your preaching with its lies and devilish innovations, then he becomes a whore of the devil like you and falls away from his baptism and bridegroom—as happened to me and others—building and relying on his own works, … whereas, by contrast, the child is baptized to rely and build on his one dear bridegroom and Lord, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us!” And on this doctrine of works, through which is the apostasy from Christ, [page 81]
25) St. L. XVII, 1335. [Am. Ed. 41, 207-208]
the dear bridegroom of souls, furthermore the whole life is set under the papacy. Those who have fallen from baptismal grace (the lapsi) must not return to their baptismal grace in repentant faith, but instead are referred to their baptism on the “second plank” (secundam tabulam), namely on “penance”. (Council of Trent. Sess. XIV, de poenitentiae sacramento) By “penance” the Papists do not mean the knowledge of sins and faith in the forgiveness of sins acquired by Christ and promised in the Gospel and in Baptism, but three human works: contritio cordis, confessio oris, satisfactio operis: self-made repentance, aural confession and satisfaction through one's own works. This is vain murder of the soul because it leads away from the foundation of the Christian faith, which is nothing other than divine grace and mercy, which forgives sins for Christ's perfect merit and does not require any merit or worthiness for the forgiveness of sins. 
As far as the treatment of souls under the papacy is concerned, it has been compared with the result of when “the elephant gets into a china shop”. Luther in his writing against Duke Heinrich of Braunschweig recalls another but very old picture. He writes: 
“When the painters of old painted the Last Judgment, they pictured hell as a great dragon’s head with vast jaws, in the middle of which, in the fire, stood the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests, monks, emperors, kings, princes, all kinds of men and women, but never a young child. I really do not know how one should, or could, paint or describe the church of the pope better, more to the point, or more clearly. It represents indeed the jaws of hell, and through the mouth of the devil, that is, through its devilish preaching and teaching [of works righteousness], it swallows into the abyss of hell first and foremost the pope himself, and then all the world.” (St. L. XVII,1334. [Am. Ed. 41, 206])
Luther therefore says l.c.: “Thus it is time to hear the voice of the angel in Revelation 18:4–5, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; for her sins are heaped high as heaven.’”
But what about our own time within Protestantism? We have repeatedly had to report in our synodical papers that some British and American Episcopals want to unite with Rome. They said that they no longer wanted to share in the sin of staying away from Rome. The Leipzig “A.E.L.K.” wrote last year regarding Germany: “It is now Catholic time.” “You can tell from the attitude of governments, you can tell from our literature.” 
Such and similar statements have encouraged the present Pope, Pius XI, in [page 82his Jubilee Bull of May 31 last year [1924], to also invite Protestants to Rome. He promises to welcome them lovingly, to forget their secession altogether and to rank them among his most faithful sons. He will grant them complete indulgence, remission and forgiveness of their sins when they receive the holy altar sacraments on ten days and visit the prescribed principal churches of Rome. In all those who feel inclined to follow this papal invitation, there is contempt for the divine work of the Reformation by Luther, the work through which God has shown, for the good of all Christianity and the whole world, that the Papal Church, which presents itself as the only blessed Church except for which no one can be saved, is completely detached from the foundation of the Christian faith and, under an external ecclesiastical appearance, is the greatest enemy of the Christian Church.            F.P. 
= = = = = = = = = = continued in Part 6  = = = = = = = = = =

      Enough of the Papacy!… a truly horrifying church body, even if the world today (and in Pieper's day!) does not believe this. — In the next Part 6, Pieper moves on to the next great division from the foundation of Christianity, the Reformed.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ylvisaker cries out: “love of the truth is greater”, no "undue sympathy"; answers Theodore Graebner

      A key period in the downfall of the LC-MS was during the 1940s, and there were plenty of warnings given to it to avoid continuing its descent.  One of the most stirring rebukes came from the leading teacher of the ELS, or "Little Norwegian" Synod, the faithful Lutheran Norwegians who were assisted by Franz Pieper in their formation of a new synod. In 1944 a heated exchange of editorials came about at the instigation of the Editor of the Lutheran Witness, Prof. Theodore Graebner.  There are too many details in this situation to relate here.  For the interested reader, one may learn more of the background of this exchange from a 4-page excerpt from Theodore Aaberg's book A City Set on a Hill;: A History of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (Norwegian Synod) 1918-1968, available as a download >> here <<.  Below we pick up Aaberg's report with a strikingly passionate quote from an editorial of Dr. Sigurd Ylvisaker (p. 153-154, all emphasis mine):
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As for Dr. [Theodore] Graebner’s statement [in the Lutheran Witness] that in trying to be fair to the NLCA [Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, then ELC, now ELCA] he had not implied any accusation against the brethren of the Norwegian Synod [fellow Synodical Conference member ELS, after 1917], Dr. Ylvisaker cried out from the printed page [Lutheran Sentinel, April 27, 1944, p. 121]:
Dr. Sigurd Christian Ylvisaker
ELS ("Little Norwegian") leader
"The Truth, then, keeps us apart."

“Trying to be fair to the Norwegian Lutheran Church”? It is not fair to the Norwegian Lutheran Church or any other body to condone its errors in doctrine or practice, its dangerous associations, its false tendencies. It is not fair by undue sympathy to strengthen the Norwegian Lutheran Church in its wrong course. It is not fair to make much of a “strong reaction against unionistic services in the Norwegian Lutheran Church” and of a certain “conservative trend which is being manifested” there, while unionism and doctrinal indifferentism are two of the very factors which most seriously threaten the Lutheranism of that body. We express no mere sentiment when we say that we should gladly give our lives as individuals and our life as a synod if we could bring back to our former brethren in Christ that pure Gospel and clear Lutheran doctrine which we at one time shared with them. It is not prejudice against them that now draws us apart, but rather prejudice in their favor that would continually draw us together again. In other words, no one would be more inclined to be “fair” in our evaluation than we. But the love of the truth is greater, and, too, that love of these former brethren which owes it to them to tell them the truth. The Truth, then, keeps us apart.
We ask the Lutheran Witness to consider again what it owes this same Truth.
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Norman Madson, Sigurd Ylvisaker
The figure of Sigurd Ylvisaker is quite striking – he was a stately man, and I might add a handsome one.  But much more important than this was his passion for the Truth, the truth in defense against the main figure in the LCMS's downfall.  In 1955 the ELS would end its fellowship with the LCMS, a separation that continues to this day.  Dr. Ylvisaker was a champion for the doctrines of the Inspiration of Scripture, Objective Justification, and Church Fellowship, the very doctrines in which the LCMS was falling.  He and his fellow teacher Norman A. Madson (Sr.) were among the strongest defenders for the Truth in the 1940s.  As I look at Sigurd Ylvisaker, I see one who spoke like… Franz Pieper.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fundament 4: Papacy 2 – Lodge outdone by Papacy; Luther declares Antichrist

      This continues from Part 3 (Table of Contents in Part 1), a translation of Franz Pieper's essay on the foundation of the Christian faith ("Das Fundament des christlichen Glaubens"). — The following teaching on the Papacy is considered to be a relic of the past by modern Lutheran teachers and scholars. More will be said about this later. But first we must hear what Pieper and Luther have to say about it.
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Text preparation and translation by BackToLuther using DeepL, Google Translate, Microsoft Translate, Yandex Translate. All bold text is Pieper's emphasis. All highlightingred text, and most text in square brackets [ ] is mine.

The Foundation of the Christian Faith.
[by President Franz Pieper, Concordia Seminary; continued from Part 3 - page 78]

But this [page 78] outrage is outdone by the Papacy
The lodges do not claim to represent the Christian faith at all. On the contrary, they expressly reject it. The Papacy, on the other hand, claims to be the Christian Church, the Church, except for which there is no salvation, extra quam salus nulla est. The Pope sits down in the temple of God, in the Christian Church, and claims to be Vicar of Christ (vicarius Christi) on earth, to whom everyone who wants to be saved must be subjected. He also supports this claim with a tremendous expenditure of external Christian pomp, with the signs of the cross behind and in front and with all sorts of lying powers and signs and miracles. And in so doing he curses the Christian doctrine of justification, the doctrine by which alone the Christian church, the congregation of believers, comes into existence and is preserved in this existence. God in His Word praises the blessed, who believe, “that the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works”: “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” (Rom.4:6-8) But what God blesses is cursed by the Church of the Pope, as we have already heard, in the Council of Trent, where the curse is pronounced on all who place their trust in the divine mercy, which for Christ's sake remits their sins without the condition of keeping the commandments of God and the Church. That is why Luther calls the Papacy and those who adhere to it “the highest enemies of the Christian Church, angrier and more harmful than any pagans or Turks are”. (St. L. XII, 496. Sermon on Easter Monday on Acts 10:34 ff. [Am. Ed. ?; Lenker v. 8, p. § 14])  Pagans and Turks—we add also the Unitarians and the Lodges—stand extra ecclesiam, they are enemies of the Christian Church from outside. 
The Papacy is the enemy from within, who has sat down in the temple of God and does his spiritual work of murder under Christ's name and Word. “The Pope”, says Luther, 
“confesses this word: ‘Christ is coming into the flesh’, but he denies its fruit.…  He denies the power of his future (his coming into the flesh), which is that our heart should place its trust in the righteousness of Christ alone and thereby become just. The Pope condemns this article in his bulls that we would be justified by the righteousness of Christ alone, which is nevertheless the effect of his Incarnation. . . . The Pope takes away the core of Christ and leaves only empty words. He leaves him the shell and takes out the core. For he confesses Christ's righteousness, but that our righteousness will not be abolished. And that's as much as confessing nothing… Nobody has the qualities of the Antichrist so cunning, so deviously [page 79]
fulfilled as the Pope. Manichaeus indeed, Marcion, Valentinus also came roughly when they said that the flesh (the body) of Christ was only a deception (φάντασμα) [“a ghost”, phantom Matt. 14:26] and had seemed only as if it were flesh; and the enthusiasts say: Christ's flesh is no good. But the Pope's spirit is the most subtle of all, as he, while confessing the future [the Incarnation] of Christ, and retains the apostolic words and apostolic sermons, has taken out the core which consists in Christ coming, in making sinners blessed.…
He left everything to appearances, but in fact he took everything. This requires art and deceit to stain everything under the best of appearances and to say that Christ suffered for us, yet at the same time teach that we must do enough. All other heretics are only in certain parts antichrists, but this one is the only and true Antichrist. He left everything to appearances, but in fact he took everything. This requires art and deceit to stain everything under the best of appearances and to say that Christ suffered for us, yet at the same time teach that we must do enough. All other heretics are only in certain parts antichrists, but this one is the only and true Antichrist.” (St. L. IX, 1472 ff. [Am. Ed. 30, p. 285-287]
This raises the question of how it is possible that even under the Papacy there are still true Christians, dear children of God. And yet this is a fact. Our Lutheran confession also repeatedly points this out. After the Apology of the Augsburg Confession characterized the papist mass as an abomination “against all Scripture, against all prophets and apostles”, it continues: 
“As in Israel a false divine service was done with Baal, also false divine services were under the glow of the divine service which God ordered, so the Antichrist in the church also made a false divine service out of the Supper of Christ. And yet, just as God under Israel and Judah has nevertheless kept his Church, that is, quite a number of saints, so God has nevertheless kept his Church, that is, quite a number of saints, under the papacy, that the Christian Church has not completely perished”. (M. 270, 98. [based on German text; Latin text base Trigl. p. 416, § 98, BoC here])  
And before that, according to the Latin text: 
“Even though Popes, or some theologians, and monks in the Church have taught us to seek remission of sins, grace, and righteousness through our own works, and to invent new forms of worship, which have obscured the office of Christ, and have made out of Christ not a Propitiator and Justifier, but only a Legislator, nevertheless the knowledge of Christ has always remained with some godly persons.” (M. 151, 271. [Trigl. p. 224, § 271-272, BoC here])
Luther's words are also well known: “I contend that in the Papacy there is true Christianity, even the right kind of Christianity”. Luther adds the reason: 
“Listen to what St. Paul says to the Thessalonians [2 Thess. 2:4): ‘The Antichrist takes his seat in the temple of God.’ If now the pope is (and I cannot believe otherwise) the veritable Antichrist, he will not sit or reign in the devil’s stall, but in the temple of God. No, he will not sit where there are only devils and unbelievers, or where no Christ or Christendom exist. [page 80] For he is an Antichrist and must thus be among Christians. And since he is to sit and reign there it is necessary that there be Christians under him. God’s temple is not the description for a pile of stones, but for the holy Christendom (1 Cor. 3:17), in which he is to reign.” (St. L. XVII, 2191. [Am. Ed. 40, p. 232])
But here it is to be noted that the official teaching and activity of the Antichrist is not aimed at the preservation but at the destruction of Christianity. “The Pope persecutes us, curses us, banishes us, chases us away, burns us, slaughters us and treats us poor Christians like a right Antichrist should treat Christianity.” His business is soul murder. As little as someone who believes the Unitarian religion can be a Christian, so little can someone who has the official Roman religion of righteousness from one’s own works in his heart be a Christian. 
There is no such Christian faith, which relies partly on Christ, partly on its own righteousness. This is the Christian psychology explicitly taught in Scripture: “But if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace.” (Rom. 11:6)  But now all the religions of works have the characteristic that they refute themselves in the serious case, namely in the time when consciences are rightly struck by God's law. So there were and still are souls under the papacy who, in fear of conscience and death, oppose the prohibition of the sixth session, twelfth canon of the Council of Trident and trust only in divine mercy which for the sake of Christ forgives their sins. In the Papacy there is still the text of the Gospels and Epistles, as Luther often remembers. 
= = = = = = = = = = continued in Part 5  = = = = = = = = = =

      Modern Lutheranism says (or wants to say) that Vatican II changed the teaching in the Papacy.  But as blogged before, that is fiction. Wikipedia reports the following directions of the Pope  for the opening of Vatican II:
“…without forfeiting that accuracy and precision in its presentation which characterized the proceedings of the Council of Trent…”. – Pope John XXIII, October 11, 1962
And even the great LC-MS "historian" Dr. Carl S. Meyer admitted that “the pope did not propose that the [Vatican II] council revise or change Roman Catholic doctrine.” (Meyer-Tjernagel, A History of Western Christianity – p. 271)  So far from being a relic of the past, the teaching above by Pieper and Luther is meant for today, here and now. What more can I say to this?  Back To Luther. — In Part 5...