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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Black woman in NY: "I knows Job never lied!" (Higher vs. lower criticism)

In 1885, from the church news section in Lehre und Wehre, vol. 31, page 60:

"Higher Criticism" versus "Lower criticism."   In the "Presbyterian", a black woman in New York was recently judicially placed under pledge not to disturb the worship service again.  Their new pastor spoke of Job as if he had not always spoken the truth. This was too much for her faith in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. She rose at once in her place and denied very clearly and definitely what the pastor by "higher criticism" had charged of Job.  Even in the courtroom she pressed insistently her disapproval and said: "I knows Job never lied" The "Presbyterian" adds: If the representatives of the new doctrines must have recourse to courts and guarantees to escape the righteous rebuke of her wild imagination, so this is a clear sign of weakness. "Aunt Martha" may not have acted wisely, but the valiant defense of the right faith is a reminder to us all.  We hold with the "lower criticism" in the pews.  F[ranz] P[ieper]

The young professor Pieper (under president Walther of Concordia Seminary) lifted this black woman up onto a pedestal and praised her (along with the Presbyterian magazine's praise) to the heavens.  So much for the liberal theology that espouses "Higher Criticism" of Holy Scripture, the theology of today that would try to "liberate" this woman from her Christian faith.  It is becoming increasing clear that President Matthew C. Harrison in his book At Home in the House of My Fathers, and his theme of "Witness, Mercy, Life Together", are only deceptive covers for a truly liberal theology, a theology that allows room for "Higher Criticism" and Harrison's "here and now" needs.  A recent report in Christian News (Nov. 17, 2014, pg 1) indicates that Harrison has clandestinely exonerated Prof. Jeff Kloha of false teaching in Kloha's "plastic text" essay.  This only stands to reason, since Harrison also essentially exonerates Hermann Sasse in his great error on Holy Scripture.

This account of a black woman standing up for Holy Scripture towers over "Higher Criticism" and is as fresh today, in 2014, as it was in 1885.  Dear God!  Would that I had her faith!... a faith in Thy Word!  How her faith towers over the theology of the "plastic text" in today's "Concordia Seminary".  Franz Pieper says so and so would Walther!

One wonders that today's LC-MS would take this black woman to court just like the "representatives of the new doctrines" in the account above.

I wanted to withhold this story until the upcoming "Black History Month", or the day set aside for MLK Jr. in January, but I could not resist bringing it to the world, "here and now".  For further reading from the old (German) Missouri Synod that spoke like this black woman, read Friedrich Bente's plea in 1923 to his Missouri Synod to stand firm here.

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