In a
previous blog post, I covered the topic of how the LC–MS deviates from the Lutheran Confessions on the doctrine of the
Antichrist. This was part of
a series that covered Walther's sharp essay in the 1874
Der Lutheraner defending against the error of Wilhelm Loehe and the Iowa Synod on this doctrine. I had thought that that post was sufficient to establish that the Lutheran Church–"Missouri Synod" was not truly "confessional", and so I was done with this doctrine.
But now, once again, I find that I have been too mild, for I have come across even stronger evidence of just how far the LC–MS is non-confessional. In that old post I included
a link to the 1870 essay to the Eastern District, "Theses on the Antichrist" (English translated).
Walther was in attendance, so the essay's content would be his as well. My old translation was not polished, so I have taken several days to polish it and study the material in more depth. What I discovered was how important
this doctrine of the Lutheran Confessions really is, even if it is a non-fundamental article of the Christian faith.
What is unique about this District convention essay is perhaps the extent of the details on why this article is important: it was one of the
defining articles, after "grace alone — faith alone", of the Lutheran Reformation. Walther knew very well how this doctrine was despised even in his day. That unpopularity did not sway him, it only made him more earnest in educating his Synod in exactly what the Lutheran doctrine is. And oh! did this essay lay it out before the Eastern District convention, surely the least sympathetic district to
this Lutheran doctrine. The essay is more instructive than the shorter
Der Lutheraner essay of 4 years later. It is 54 pages long so I will not be presenting it in a lengthy blog series (but see the later
Part E3 for download). But I would highlight some of its major points in the following list of quotes:
p. 20: "According to Scripture, the discovery of the Antichrist is also to be connected with the reformation of the Church." [The Reformation was Luther's Reformation.]
21: "this doctrine is important because it is clearly stated in the confessional writings of the Lutheran Church (especially the Smalcald Articles)" [To deny it is to deny one is Lutheran.]
21: "Although the Iowans say that everything here depends on history, the Jews could have said to the apostles in exactly the same way: we first want to see how it goes with your Christ, for it is indeed written in the Bible that a Christ is to come, but not expressly that it is precisely this Jesus of Nazareth.… the characteristics of the Antichrist are also clearly laid down in Scripture" [To deny doctrine of Antichrist uses same reasoning as the Jews did with Christ.]
22: "if they find that these people [
Romanists] even surpass others in outward, worshipful exercises [
i.e. Liturgy, ceremonies] … they wonder what kind of Christianity must be hidden there." [
error of Pres. Matthew Harrison and "Gottesdienst"]
25: "In the old days of the Christian church, an Antichrist was expected in the sense that he would not be a collective but an individual.… many Christians were inclined to believe that he [Mohammad] was the Antichrist."
28: "because of the words: 'the true, right one', i.e. in the actual, narrowest, strictest sense of the word the Pope is the Antichrist."
29: "This failure of the Iowans on the symbols proves again that Iowa is not sincere about the symbols." [now also the LC–MS]
30-36: Theses VI & VII: "a collective person" section —> see the next
Part 2 (70E2).
38: "For when someone departs so far from the rule of faith that he can no longer stand in justifying faith, Scripture calls this apostasy. This great apostasy took place in the Roman sect."
38: "We Lutherans write Pabst [Pope] with a "b" at the end, like our fathers, while the Romans write it with a "p" [Papst]. The latter thus indicate that they consider the Pope to be the true Papa…"
40: "This requires art and deceit, to defile everything under the best pretense"
43: "as great as the corruption of the sects is, it is nevertheless infinitely surpassed by the papacy."
48: "The Roman theologians say that the images are only signs of remembrance, but the common people use them quite differently…in the crucifix they do not worship Him whom it depicts, but the crucifix itself."
48-49: "one should not be surprised that the Roman people look up to the so-called saints as their gods and pray to them." [It is the same today. Just Google it.]
50: "Do they not worship it [
bread in the monstrance] by genuflection, kisses, prostration on the ground…"
53: "The time in which the Antichrist began to reveal himself… around the year 607."
54: "The preacher has no more authority over a Christian than a baby in the cradle, and Peter had no more."
54: The papacy "has recovered from the severe wound inflicted on it by the Reformation and is now spreading all the more, the less attention is paid to it and the less it is feared."
55: "The papal religion is a totally new, shameful and diabolical invention; not a syllable, not an iota of it is confirmed in Scripture."
61: "…the papacy, which always offers its mediation to states in distress in order to gain influence on the politics of these states…"
66: "The pope pretends to be God by teaching and preaching without the foundation of Scripture"
68: "
Rudelbach: '
Sixtus IV (1471 to 1484) practiced even the most outrageous usury" [
Rudelbach names an individual Pope]
Pages 30-36 concern matters that are explicitly denied by the theologians of the LC–MS. We compare the two "Missouri Synods", Old and New, in the next
Part E2…
- - - - - - - - - - - - Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - -
E1: This introduction, with "Notable Quotes"
E2: Antichrist = "collective person", all individual Popes (Comparing LC-MS & Old Missouri)
E3: Will another, beside the Pope, be Antichrist?; full translated text