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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

"Christian Cyclopedia" drops Name Abbreviations: "Walkout" history or "Cancel culture"?

[2024-12-26: One may see the complete printed list of about 250 "contributors" on the Internet Archive copy of the 1975 edition HERE.]
      This follows the previous post presenting a 1965 listing of all the Concordia Seminary professors up to that year.  While researching that post, it was discovered that the well-known "Christian Cyclopedia" has recently, mysteriously dropped their listing of abbreviations for the names of the authors of its articles.  That list was the only way to determine who actually was behind their history writing. When I clicked on my previous link to call up that web page, the "Name abbreviations" were gone. Further research using the Wayback Machine determined that the web page was dropped between February and August of this year – 2023. 
Missing webpage (as of 2023)
One may go to the last viable Archived web page from February 2023 here, but then in August the Wayback message "Got an HTTP 302 response at crawl time" appeared briefly before reverting to the home page. Now this omission could be an oversight by the LC-MS web administrator but that would hinder a 2023 Synod resolution that 
"…calls on members of the Synod to study the history [of the 1974 Walkout] and make use of resources from Concordia Historical Institute, Concordia Publishing House and the seminaries on the subject."
So if the Synod assembly is encouraging the study of the history of the "Walkout", why then withdraw one of the resources, the webpage that names the names of several prominent "Walkout" professors (F. Danker, C. S. Meyer, etc.),  and sympathizers (A. C. Piepkorn, etc.), who wrote for their "Christian Cyclopedia"?

Why indeed… — More is forthcoming on the LC-MS's observance of the "50th anniversary" of the 1974 "Walkout". Just how will they "Give Thanks for Preservation of the Gospel"? Will they also "Give Thanks" for upholding the authority of Holy Scripture? Is the Synod really to "Give Thanks"?… or not?

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