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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Christian Cyclopedia - who are the contributors? (many "Walkouts")

Christian Cyclopedia home page header
Who are its contributors?
[2024-12-25: added listing for Martin H. Scharlemann, also link to Contributors page of 1975 print edition; 2023-10-31: fixed broken link to LC-MS Cyclopedia; 2019-12-18: added note on Surburg review in 1977; 2019-11-26: added notes in red below]
      The LC-MS's online Christian Cyclopedia is one of the most comprehensive modern sources of basic Lutheran-Christian information on the web.  Obviously Wikipedia is another source for this information, but many times its "objectivity" does not recognize the authority of the objective Word of God, e.g. Chronology of the Bible. But what about the content of the LC-MS Christian Cyclopedia… does it recognize the authority of Holy Scripture in matters of religion, the Church, and true Church History?  Who are the contributors to its entries? A comparison with its older Lutheran Cyclopedia predecessors shows most of its content is from the 1975 edition. One sees on the opening web page that its editors were "Erwin L. Lueker, Luther Poellot, Paul Jackson".  But could these 3 people be the only contributors?  There is no obvious link from the main web page to a listing of the contributors.  But there is a such a page, one that I found only by accident -- it is >> here [2023-10-31 link broken by LC-MS this year, changed to Wayback] <<, the "Name Abbreviations" page.  There are 249 listed contributors.
Faithful to Our Calling, Faithful to Our Lord; An Affirmation in Two Parts      Who are these people?  It is practically impossible to know about them all, but probably most are "LC-MS", with some notable exceptions.  So my desire to research this matter was because of frustration with many of its contributions.  The initials at the end of the articles were the clue to who was injecting an erring opinion in matters of faith.
Concordia Seminary protest march (Walkout 1974)It became apparent that a significant number of major entries were tainted by Concordia Seminary's professors who were party to the "Walkout" of 1974 and were subsequently locked out of the Seminary.  So I determined to build a cross-reference listing of Cyclopedia contributors who were signers of the infamous 1972 faculty statement Faithful to Our Calling, Faithful to Our Lord, Part II.  Below is my list of the 21 contributors in alphabetical order by their last name.  These are hyperlinked with the following: (1) the full name is hyperlinked to that person's "personal confession" pages in the Faithful to Our Calling statement, and (2) all of their Cyclopedia contributions are listed with hyperlinks to their entry contributions.  For example, the entry for “Fuerbringer, Ludwig” was by Richard R. Caemmerer who tilts his assessment of Fuerbringer towards his weaknesses, even if the article exposes some of the reasons for the Seminary's downfall.

"Walkout" authors and their contributions to the Christian Cyclopedia
[2019-11-26: several correction, Krentz, Lueker]
  1. HJAB - Herbert J. A. Bouman: Rule of Faith 
  2. RRC (not RRCj)- Richard R. Caemmerer Sr.: Atonement, Capital and Labor, Conscience, God, Ludwig Ern(e)st Fuerbringer, Philosophy of History, Holy Spirit, Homiletics, Humanism, Sixteenth-Century German, Laymen's Activity in the Lutheran Church (RRC in 1954), Luther Renaissance, Lutheran Literature, Philipp MelanchthonSocial Ethics, Socialism, Temptation., Woman in Christian Society
  3. RC - Robert L. Conrad: (CTM articles): 
  4. JWC - John W. Constable: Roman Catholic Church, The, E 4.
  5. JSD - John S. Damm: Orders of Worship
  6. FWD - Frederick W. Danker: Canon, Bible, Commentaries, Biblical, Manuscripts of the Bible, 3 a, Textual Criticism.
  7. WJD - William J. Danker: Primitive Religion.
  8. AOF - Alfred O. Fuerbringer: Center for Reformation Research, Ministry, Education of
  9. NH - Norman Habel: Law Codes, Canaanites, Religion of
  10. WK - Wi Jo Kang: Nevius Methods
  11. EK - Edgar M. Krentz: Clement of Alexandria, Epictetus, Greek Religion, 3 b, Origen, Pantaenus, Roman Religion, Skepticism, Stoicism
  12. EL - Erwin L. Lueker: Antichrist, Apologetics, II A, Asceticism; Alms, Barmen Theses, Bataks, Bishop; Buber, Martin, Bull, Chinese Philosophy, Common Confession, Concordances, Bible, Confessing Church, Confession, Councils and Synods, Dance, Demythologization, Dialectic, Dilthey, Wilhelm Christian Ludwig, Eastern Orthodox Standards of Doctrine, A 4, Ecumenical Creeds, B, Ego, Elert, Werner, Ethics, Federal Theology, Fellowship, Foot Washing, German Evangelical Church Society of the West, T, Gnosticism, Heresy, Hittites, Hume, David, Immortality, Inspiration, Doctrine of, Kirchenkampf, Malaysia, Martyr, Miracles, Mysticism, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Neo-Thomism, Nonchalcedonian Churches, 2, Pieper, Franz August Otto, Rationalism, Roman Catholic Church; Saints, Veneration of, 7, Secularism, Situation(al) Ethics, World Community of Al-Islam
  13. DPM - Duane P. Mehl: Youth Work, LCMS
  14. HTM - Herbert T. Mayer: Apocalyptic Literature, Apostolic Fathers, 2, Chalcedon, Constantine, Council of, Consensus Quinquesaecularis, Crusades, Eusebius of Caesarea, Intertestamental, Messianic Hope, Pelagius
  15. CSM - Carl S. Meyer: Altenburg Theses, American Lutheranism, Auburn Affirmation, Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Augsburg, Peace ofBasel, Council of, Colloquy of Cassel, Church and State, 15,, Collegialism, Council of, Counter Reformation, Thomas Cranmer, Florence, Council of, Government, Government, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, , 
  16. ACP - Arthur Carl Piepkorn: Absolution; Agnus Dei; Altar; Altar Rail; Ambrosian Music; Angels, Veneration of; Apostolic Succession; Johann Arndt; Asceticism; Assumption, Feast of the; Ave Maria; Liturgical Baptism; Bishop; Chemnitz, Martin; Church YearConfession; Disciplina arcani; Ethiopic Church; Nonchalcedonian Churches, 2 (ACP, EL); Roman Catholic Church, The, A 8
  17. ACR - Arthur C. Repp: Catechetics, Chrysostom, John, Confirmation, Protestant Education in the United States
  18. AvRS - Alfred yon Rohr Sauer: Archaeology, Biblical, Dead Sea Scrolls
  19. JHT - John H. Tietjen: Ecumenical Movement
  20. CAV - Carl A. Volz: Schism, 8, Western Christianity 500–1500,  
  21. LCW - Leonard C. Wuerffel: ?
  22. LW - Lorenz Wunderlich: Adiaphora, Youth Work
2024-12-25: An "honorable" mention should be made for "MHS" or Martin H. Scharlemann: Exegesis, Healing, Hermeneutics, Inspiration-Doctrine of, Revelation, Word of God.
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Prof. Erwin Lueker, during Concordia Seminary boycottThe above list is fairly complete even if I may have missed a few entries.  But the primary editor and author of the Cyclopedia, from its 1954 edition to its 1975 edition, to today's Christian Cyclopedia was… Erwin Lueker, a Walkout professor.  I suspect that most unsigned entries were from Lueker in collaboration with other "Walkout" professors, all of whom held a low view of Holy Scripture.  All spiritual and church historical judgments by these contributors are suspect at best.  I use the Christian Cyclopedia along with the 1927 Concordia Cyclopedia of Fuerbringer, Engelder, and P. E. Kretzmann which has better spiritual judgment, e.g. on “Hengstenberg” (cp. here and here). [2019-11-26: Also Lueker's entry for the Iowa Synod makes no mention of its affiliation with the Romanizing Wilhelm Loehe, as the 1927 Cyclopedia does. Even the Wikipedia article mentions Loehe's connection.] Especially offensive is the mixed theology of the bibliography for the entry for "Justification", where Engelder is mixed with known opponents of the Scripture Principle such as the Swedish Aulén and the German Elert, let alone the erring LC-MS theologians Arndt and Hoyer.
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2019-12-18: Prof. Raymond Surburg († 2001), in a 1977 CTQ Book Review, gave good information on the 1975 Lutheran Cyclopedia, noting the "moderate" changes from Old Missouri similar to my points above. Surburg notes: "With 250 individuals contributing, some of whom are now associated with Seminex and men sympathetic to the so-called moderate theology, it is not surprising that the 1975 revision does not portray the same consistency toward the Bible and its writings as was the case with its predecessors of 1927 and 1954. Hold on to your 1954 version and the 1927 version if you own them or can purchase them." 
2024-12-25: For the complete list of contributors one may go to the Internet Archive copy of the 1975 edition and view the Contributor pages xiii-xiv        .

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