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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Rom. 16:17 (# 4, today's LC-MS and "heresy"); Who is lukewarm? (Walther's answer)

    This concludes from Part 3 (Part 2, Part 1) with LC-MS VP Atlantic District President Rev. David Benke (see comment below) who, in a well-publicized "New York City Prayer Service" of September 23, 2001, demonstrated the "new way of thinking" about Rom. 16:17, and offered prayer along with leaders of all the "major faiths" of the world, for all the world to see:
LC-MS V.P. Rev. David Benke
Prayer for America
2001, Yankee Stadium (C-SPAN, 0:23)
LC-MS VP Atlantic District President Rev. David Benke said at this prayer service: "... join me in prayer on this field of dreams turned into God's house of prayer."   Benke's "field of dreams" is today's LC-MS "united church".
      In contrast to today's LC-MS, the editor of The Confessional Lutheran, (1962, v. 23, p. 125), in the same 1962 article reporting LC-MS VP Theo. Nickel's charge of "Heresy" against the old teaching, gave voice to C.F.W. Walther in the matter of unionism, syncretism, prayer fellowship.  This was from a sermon of Walther, and rather than use the editor's translation, I will use Pastor Donald Heck's translation of Walther's Epistle Sermons (3rd Sunday After Epiphany, p. 81), emphases mine:
A church which wants to make peace by yielding part of the truth and declaring that false doctrine is just as permissible in the church as the true doctrine, according to God’s Word such a church is a house which consists of whitewashed walls which are neither built of stone nor erected upon a firm foundation; any wind can blow it down, any rain wash it away. Such a church is more dangerous than the most deceitful sect; for at least they recognize it as true that only pure doctrine should be preached in a church; but such a united church rests upon the quicksand that one absolutely can not find and have the truth, to say nothing of having to struggle for it. — C.F.W. Walther
From that same sermon (p. 80), Walther says:
About such people indifferent in religion the Lord says in Revelation: "I would that thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Rev 3:15-16. Such lukewarm people are more opposed to Christ than the known enemies of the truth.
Now who is teaching and preaching "heresy"?  And who is "lukewarm"… today's LC-MS or the Old Synodical Conference?


  1. At the time of his 2001 Yankee Stadium heresy, Benke was the Atlantic District President. Benke never was an LCMS Vice-President.

    1. I am so sorry for not getting your comment of 2-1/2 years ago published before!! Google had mysteriously stopped informing me of new comments coming in and I was unaware of this, so finally here it is. Thanks for the correction -- I will amend this post accordingly. (2020-06-15)


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